Meeting House Rental
Meeting House Rental
The Town of Sweden recognizes that the Town Meeting House is a community asset and is ideal for larger groups to gather. The meeting House is available for rent, with the approval of your application, To minimize the burden on taxpayers, a user fee will be charged.
Priority of Use:
- Municipal functions (town meetings, public hearings, elections, etc.)
- Organizations supported by; or directly related to the municipality (Sweden volunteer fire
department, non-profit organizations such as the Sweden historical society, etc.)
- All other groups on a first come, first served basis.
Please note the following steps in the approval process:
- Contact town clerk for availability and copy of the Agreement.
- Town of Sweden Meeting House Use Agreement returned with fee to the town clerk.
- Board of selectmen approve (or deny) application. They have the right to request the opinion of
others in order to make their decision if they feel it is warranted (the sheriff, fire chief, etc.).
- Meeting House Use Form is returned to the town clerk; who notifies lessee(s) of approval or
- After the event, the town clerk and/or selectmen check the building for cleanliness and/or
damage and get the keys back from the lessee(s).
- Custodial fee is returned if and only if there is no additional work required by the town to put the meeting house into service (for example the town does not have to have the trash removed, clean or repair any damage).
- If any damage is found; the lessee(s) shall be billed for the actual cost to repair damage.

Sweden Town Office
147 Bridgton Road • Sweden, ME 04040
Phone: (207) 647-3944 • Fax: (207) 647- 3946
HOURS: Friday: 9am – 4pm
Saturday 9am – noon: (2nd and 4th of each month)
Rural, scenic, historic. Sweden Maine.
Copyright © 2025 Town of Sweden, Maine. Website by Zynk Designs