Getting involved in town government – who does that, and why? I promise it’s not as daunting or intimidating as you might imagine, and I’m sharing my story to encourage others who may be curious. I moved to Sweden in September 2021, and after attending a special town meeting, was impressed how in a small town, the vote of just one person can make a difference in policy. It was interesting what residents felt passionate about, and how they spoke out.
A few months later I went to the annual Town Meeting, the first I’d ever attended, which started with announcements for board and committee positions that were open. Sweden’s process is very simple: at the meeting someone nominates you, or you nominate yourself, then a vote is taken. My neighbor Kay Lyman gave a very compelling speech encouraging a candidate for school board alternate to step up. That was the first I’d heard of the opportunity, and while Kay had convinced me, I was unsure of the process, and uncomfortable nominating myself. Aside from Kay no one knew who I was, and while trying to work up my courage, the moderator had moved on. I spent the rest of the meeting thinking about it, and after the meeting learned that one could be “appointed” to many of these positions at the Town Office. Much less intimidating than nominating yourself publicly, and I was later appointed as Sweden’s alternate member of the School Board.
Here’s the advantage to being an alternate: You learn as you go without the responsibilities of being a full member. Alternates on boards or committees can attend all meetings, and CAN vote if a member cannot be present. Kathi Shorey is our School Board representative, and was invaluable in helping me to understand the agendas, meeting rules, budget, and more. The meetings were very informative, required only a few hours of my time each month, and helped me to connect with the community. I enjoyed feeling I had contributed in some small way, and gained knowledge about how decisions were made. Within a year I’d learned enough to feel confident to have Kay nominate me to the Select Board.
My point is that for these positions, it’s not required that you’ve had previous experience, or are a subject matter expert. The only requirement is to be a town resident, and to be interested in being of service to the community. Sweden’s board and committee members will help to guide and educate novices. Does real estate and land development pique your interest? The Planning Board may suit you, or the Board of Appeals, which meets with less frequency. Intrigued by policy and governance? The Select Board may be the place for you. Before I became a Sweden Select Board member, my only experience in governance was having participated in Granite State Girls State sometime in the last century. That looked great on a college applications, but was of little value decades later. What I saw was a need to improve how the town communicated with residents, and knew I had the skills to help.
It has been engaging work, always with something new and interesting to learn. I want to encourage you to investigate more about opportunities to be a part of our boards and committees, and explore how you can be of service.
- Don’t let fear of what you don’t know stop you. Our Select Board Administrative Assistant Rose McKenzie can explain what’s required for positions, or refer you to someone who can answer your questions. Reach out to Rose at adminassistbos@swedenmaine.org, or call the Town Office at (207) 647-3944.
- Expertise and experience are not required, you’ll learn as you go. Workshops or additional training will be paid for by the town.
- Find your niche: We have a variety of positions that are open this year. Most boards and committees meet once a month, some less often. Descriptions are available on our website.
- Be informed in advance: I don’t want anyone to be as clueless as I was, at my first annual meeting!
- It feels good to do good. As part of the Sweden Community, your involvement will help improve and preserve the town, and benefit your family and neighbors. Get involved, we’d love to have you!
Kerry Welton
Sweden Select Board Member
Open Positions (Elected)
- 1 Select Board Member (3 year term)
- 1 Planning & Zoning Board Member (5 year term)
- Two (2) Planning & Zoning Board Alternates (1 year term)
- 1 Appeals Board Member (5 year term)
- 1 Appeals Board Member (1 year term)
- 1 Appeals Board Member (2 year term)
- 1 Appeals Board Member (3 year term)
- Two (2) Appeals Board Alternates (1 year term)
- 1 MSAD #72 School Board Member (3 year term)