MSAD 72 Superintendent of Schools:
Jay Robinson
Email: jay.robinson@msad72.org
Phone: (207) 935-2600
Sweden is one of the towns compromising MSAD 72, which also includes the towns of Fryeburg, Brownfield, Denmark, Lovell, Stoneham, and Stow in Maine, and also Chatham, NH. Information about the schools, including enrollment applications and upcoming dates can be found on the district website at https://www.msad72.org.
Grades K-4 attend New Suncook Elementary School in Lovell
Grades 5-8 attend Molly Ockett School in Fryeburg
Grades 9-12 attend Fryeburg Academy in Fryeburg
The district office is located in Fryeburg at Molly Ockett School.
Sweden has one member on the MSAD 72 School Board serving a three year term, and one alternate serving a one year term. Regular meetings of the MSAD 72 Board of Education are held on the second Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm in the Molly Ockett School gymnasium, with additional budget meetings commencing in April. These meetings are open to the public.
To enroll your child in the MSAD 72 school district, you must show proof of residency with a Residency Affidavit or Letter from the Sweden Town Clerk (read more about that here and here).