Sweden Road Commissioner:
Troy Morse
Cell Phone: (207) 890-1237
The Road Commissioner is in charge of the repair of all highways and bridges within the Town, with the authority to employ the necessary personnel and equipment, and purchase of material for the repair of highways and bridges in the case of an emergency (or with Select Board approval). Town ways are inspected twice each year and repairs made as needed on an ongoing basis.
Our Sweden Road Commissioner is in charge of snow removal, salt and sanding, summer and winter road repair, managing budgets, and coordinating road projects. Please inform him of any emergency road situations, as he will be able to remove brush, small trees, and loose obstructions that impede travel, and close roads or traffic lanes if conditions warrant. For life threatening conditions or any situation involving power lines, call 911 immediately.
The Road Commissioner works under the direction of the Select Board, with the Road Advisory Committee (RAC) reviewing and making recommendations on annual operating budgets and capital expenditures related to construction, upgrades, and maintenance of public roads.
*Note that for the fastest response, call or text Troy Morse at: (207) 890-1237