Updates to the Zoning and Land Use Ordinance will replace the current ordinances that have been in effect since 2009. Much has changed since 2009, including changes to State Law and even changes to Sweden itself. The updates reflect these changes.

A well-advertised public hearing was held on Feb. 6th at the Town Meeting House. This was where the public asked questions and made comments concerning the updates. Once the hearing was over the comment period was closed. That is State Law. Based on several comments from the public, the PB made minor changes to the updates. It should be noted the PB held approximately three dozen workshops along with our regular monthly meetings. All were open to the public.

**NOTE: Residents will vote to approve or deny these changes at the Sweden Annual Town Meeting on March 23, 2024, at 9:00am. There will be a brief explanation of what is being voted on, but as mentioned as per State Law, the public comment period is now closed. Residents may be recognized to speak during the meeting, but the planning board will not be answering questions.  We encourage you to view the updates noted in the documents below. A printed copy will be available at the Town Office. 

Summary of proposed changes to Zoning and Land Use Ordinance

Final Zoning Ordinance Updates (3/23/24) for Public Distribution


Comments are closed.

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