Tax Exemption Applications
Homestead Tax Exemption
Renewable Energy Investment Exemption
Veteran Exemption
A veteran who served during a recognized war period and is 62 years or older; or, is receiving 100% disability as a Veteran; or, became 100% disabled while serving, is eligible for $6,000.
In 2022, the Maine Legislature enacted an expanded benefit for veterans through the Property Tax Fairness credit. While this benefit is based on the property tax paid by veterans, the benefit is administered through the individual income tax. For more information, see the Property Tax Fairness credit.
Paraplegic Veteran Exemption
Blind Exemption

Maine Tax Exemption Applications
All of the exemptions below require completion of an application to the local town office where the property is located. Exemption claims may require additional information to support the claim for exemption, and must be delivered to the Assessor’s office no later than April 1.
Sweden Town Office
147 Bridgton Road • Sweden, ME 04040
Phone: (207) 647-3944 • Fax: (207) 647- 3946
HOURS: Friday: 9am – 4pm
Saturday 9am – noon: (2nd and 4th of each month)